Virtual excursions

Victorian (Loddon Mallee Region) Ultranet Teaching and Learning Coach Maryna Badenhorst has written a useful blog post on virtual excursions (or virtual field trips).

If for whatever reason, classes are unable to leave the school, Maryna has developed some engaging tasks for students to complete. As Maryna says, “A virtual field trip ‘takes students on a tour of a location using a series of web sites that have been linked together, creating a guided experience.”

Ideal for remote or regional schools, as well as those who find it difficult to get away from school for a whole day.

Games for learning wiki

Victorian Northern Metropolitan Region Ultranet Coach Anesti Anestis has provided Bright Ideas with information about a Games for Learning wiki.


Anesti explains, ‘It is a site to find, make and play games.  Teachers involved in gaming can share their experiences and findings in applying games in the classroom.’

Getting started
Getting started

With information on

  • Free stuff
  • Gamemaking software
  • Gaming sites
  • Getting Started
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo Edu Titles
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Presentation and Resources
  • XBOX
  • XNA Game creators
  • there is plenty of support for schools that are considering introducing gaming for learning.

    ICT Toolkit

    Anesti Anestis, the Whittlesea Network Coach for the Department of Educaton and Early Childhood Development‘s Northern Metropolitan Region Ultranet Team, is one of the people responsible for a sensational ICT toolkit wiki.

    ICT toolkit homepage

    Anthony Oldmeadow, Tennille Blake and the remaining NMR Ultranet Coaches joined Anesti in developing the wiki, which is home to all sorts of ICT tools.  Anesti says,

    Since its inception in March other state Ultranet Coaches have also contributed, notably Krystie Alleaume. We have designed it as a resource that any teacher looking to apply various ICT ‘class tools’ has a choice of over 40 categories, with each category linking to and listing anywhere from 5-20 tools.  On last count, there are over 500 different tools teachers can explore!  The site links to other powerful wikis and the epotential resource (which provides student and teacher examples of some of the tools). In addition to class tools 1 & 2 there is detailed support for elearning leaders undertaking the job of eplanning in a school.  Many of the resources are custom made by Ultranet coaches (like the epotental analysis spreadsheets) to assist with greater interpretation and analysis of school data.

    A - Z of online tools
    A – Z of online tools

    The wiki is not locked and is open to any member who would like to share their work, findings and ideas. Look forward to seeing you in and around the icttoolkit wikispace!

     Thanks to Anesti, Anthony, Tennille, Krystie and all of the other educators who have developed such a useful resource.