Cathedrals 3D tour

Google Earth has a fantastic 3D tour of some of the most famous cathedrals in the world. By downloading Google Earth first, you are able to view exteriors and interiors of cathedrals such as

  • Notre Dame in Paris
  • St Paul’s Cathedral in London
  • Westminster Cathedral in London
  • Cologne Cathedral in Germany
  • Basilica of St Peter, Vatican City
  • St Mark’s Basilica, Venice
  • Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York
  • Basilica de Nossa Senhora in Aparencida, Brazil

Photographs of other areas of interest nearby the cathedrals are also viewable. View this brief screencast to see how the 3D tour works.

This site has many uses for art, geography and religion classes. Well worth viewing!

100 Incredible & Educational Virtual Tours You Don’t Want to Miss

Online Universities has provided a list of 100 educational virtual tours. With topics such as:

  • Cities (including Pompeii and Ancient Rome)
  • Famous landmarks and buildings (including Stonehenge, Taj Mahal and the Vatican)
  • Museums (including the Louvre and the Smithsonian)
  • Outer space
  • How things are made (Toyota cars and Hershey chocolate)
  • Humans and animals
  • Google Earth virtual tours (Cathedrals, castles, palaces, libraries and universities) – note that you need to have Google Earth installed on your computer

There are lots of tours to choose from. Well worth a look.

More virtual excursions

Previously a few posts discussed eField trips and virtual excursions. Here are some more ideas to immerse students in learning without leaving the classroom (and in no particular order):



These are only a few examples of what is available online.

Some of the tours have more content than others; however those with small amounts of content could still be used as a starting point for discussions. An example of this is discussing and researching the architecture of Federation Square.

Virtual excursions

Victorian (Loddon Mallee Region) Ultranet Teaching and Learning Coach Maryna Badenhorst has written a useful blog post on virtual excursions (or virtual field trips).

If for whatever reason, classes are unable to leave the school, Maryna has developed some engaging tasks for students to complete. As Maryna says, “A virtual field trip ‘takes students on a tour of a location using a series of web sites that have been linked together, creating a guided experience.”

Ideal for remote or regional schools, as well as those who find it difficult to get away from school for a whole day.