A very useful tool for this year’s Book Week theme is the site BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF.
Here is the Bright Ideas ‘wild self’, created in a few fun minutes:
- The Bright Ideas ‘wild self’
This could be a fun Book Week activity with staff and/or students.
Courtesy of the New York Zoos and Aquarium.
Ooh – like the ‘far-reaching’ arms … cryptic?? 😉
I found build your wild self a while ago and immediately saw its potential given this year’s book week theme.
MPSC library staff have all created wild selves (with a poll – check it out and vote!) and have set up a competition for students to enter too. You can see what we’ve done here: http://mpsclib.wikispaces.com/Wild+creatures
I found this a great activity to do with primary kids to reinforce internet safety-use an avatar instead of your picture. Discussion re safety practices.
Far-reaching arms just a happy coincidence (and my, what big ears I have!) – giraffe my fav wild animal. Great fun though.
Our primary classes love this but I cannot load it consistently. It will crash after done/start again is pushed, just not load etc. Have tried to set encoding to windows then refresh but all hit and miss (lots of misses).
Help please???
Hi Sally, you might need to contact your network administrators. I didn’t have any problems when I used it, but that was just with me, not a whole class. Good luck.