Reading and Writing the World: School Libraries as Sponsors of Transliteracy

Let’s begin with what is transliteracy? Watch this video for a definition.

So looking at that definition, we really need students to be transliterate. The brilliant Buffy Hamilton has agreed to share her presentation on how school libraries can help students become transliterate:

This visually stunning and thought provoking presentation signals exactly where school libraries come in:
  • Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film to digital social networks (slide 16)
  • Participatory librarianship is about inviting and creating spaces for inviting and engaging participation sparking conversations, knowledge construction and creation (slides 21-24).

Many pertinent examples of ways that school libraries can support transliteracy are included and all are important and achievable. It may take time for everything to come together in your school library. It may mean little steps with one or two colleagues. But one or two steps forward at a time soon turns into a run when students become inspired by creating and publishing digital objects. You can read more about this topic at the Libraries and Transliteracy blog.

Thanks to Buffy Hamilton for sharing her work. It is also worthwhile accessing Buffy’s Unquiet Librarian blog.

4 thoughts on “Reading and Writing the World: School Libraries as Sponsors of Transliteracy

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Reading and Writing the World: School Libraries as Sponsors of Transliteracy | Bright ideas --

  2. Thks to the author. The authorĀ“s position is very interesting. Call our attention for a new form of literacy. Is really enlightning. Friendly VBastos

  3. Excellent presentation that encapsulates transliteracy by Buffy Hamilton. It is important for libraries to embrace that they are no longer just in the business of print. It is great to see libraries around the world take note of it and begin to make changes.

  4. Pingback: What does a teacher-librarian do, how do they learn it and how much of the role is teacher specific? « Reading Power

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