Free eLearning content by and for teachers is being developed at the WikiEducator wiki.

- Homepage
What is it and who developed it? The website states:
Sir John Daniel, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Commonwealth of Learning was the founding patron of WikiEducator. The project has adopted a community governance model which is coordinated by WikiEducator’s Open Community Council, building on the work of the Interim International Advisory Board. Ambassadors for WikiEducator promote the project around the globe, and our technology roadmap helps us make the future happen.
WikiEducator’s technical infrastructure is supported by a financial contribution by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) to the Open Education Resource Foundation an independent international non-profit head quartered at Otago Polytechnic New Zealand. The servers are hosted by Athabasca University, Canada.
There are ways for interested teachers to get involved with WikiEducator. The website explains how:
Get Involved ~ There are so many ways…
Thanks to @wizdommy for the information on WikiEducator!