SLAV Connects is a blog by the School Libraries Association of Victoria (SLAV), formerly named Bright Ideas when a collaboration between SLAV and the State Library of Victoria (SLV). Its aim is to share news from the Association and to encourage teacher librarians, librarians, school library staff, educators and all interested persons to actively engage with the school libraries, to share tools and experiences; to network on a global scale; and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities.
Eltham College of Education – Library displays
Jack and the Beanstalk display
Autumn display
Pirates display
Pirates display
Pirates display
Rowan of Rin display
Rowan of Rin diorama
5 thoughts on “Eltham College of Education – Library displays”
These are fantastic and show what can be achieved even in a small space.
These are fantastic and show what can be achieved even in a small space.
Display’s brighten up the whole library space, and these look really good! People are reading books!
What an exciting space to learn in! Can you imagine the happy atmosphere these displays would create
cant there be dioramas for made for older children!!
I’m sure there can but this is a junior school library.