Chatzy is a site that allows users to quickly and easily start their own free and private chat rooms.
All you need to do is fill out a few boxes with your nickname and the email address of the person/people you are inviting. Your friends receive an email with a clickable link. Then you join the chat and away you go.
From Chatzy’s website comes the following details:
- Chatzy has no registration steps – your friends can join instantly
- Chatzy is free and has no popup ads
- Chatzy does not require any installation on your computer (= no spyware)
- Chatzy works on any PC, with any language and through corporate firewalls
- Chatzy is simple and easy to use
Chatzy is a good, no frills way to reflect with colleagues and friends via a back channel when at conferences, professional development and so on.
Thanks to Jenny Luca for the heads up on Chatzy.