The next SLAV conference will be held at the MCG on Friday, July 27. The theme will be Global e-literacy: leading the reinvention of learning. In preparation for the conference you might like to follow some of the speakers involved on the day, either through their blogs or on Twitter.
The conference keynote will be delivered by Judy O’Connell from the School of Information Studies at Charles Sturt University. We’re looking forward to seeing Judy speak as she is a passionate advocate for libraries and an internationally respected expert in her field. Make sure you follow Judy’s blog or find her on Twitter.
Jenny Luca, Head of Information Services at Toorak College and writer of the Lucacept blog, will present on Multimodal Literacies. Panel presentations will be given by John Pearce, David Fehigan (Bialik College) and Di Ruffles (Melbourne High School). You can watch Di’s screencast about search tips here. The day will be closed with a presentation by Cecilie Murray (Delphian eLearning).
To find out more visit SLAV’s Professional Development page or view the conference program.