SLAV Connects is a blog by the School Libraries Association of Victoria (SLAV), formerly named Bright Ideas when a collaboration between SLAV and the State Library of Victoria (SLV). Its aim is to share news from the Association and to encourage teacher librarians, librarians, school library staff, educators and all interested persons to actively engage with the school libraries, to share tools and experiences; to network on a global scale; and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities.
Issuu is an online magazine publishing/hosting service where you can publish your own magazines or read ones developed by other Issuu users.
Issuu homepage
Here is an example of what Issuu offers readers, and the thought that school libraries could publish their handbooks and library guides through Issuu. Imagine how many trees we could save:
There are magazines covering approximately 20 languages, so Issuu could be great for LOTE classes. As with any resource, check first that what you plan to use is suitable for your students.
The Issuu website provides the following information:
Issuu makes your publications look good
Issuu turns your documents into beautiful online publications. Publish to an audience of millions and get your message across to anyone, anywhere. It only takes a minute and it’s free.
Features and benefits
Upload your documents and we turn them into professional online publications.
Enjoy the best reading experience online (fullscreen with crisp vector graphics).
Explore a living library with the web’s most interesting publications.
Post/embed your publications anywhere online (Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, etc.)
Get a high rank on Google and receive detailed statistics about your readers.
Create a custom viewer design and integrate your publications on your website.
Issuu is definitely worth investigating. It could be great for budding writers as well as publishing school anthologies or perhaps library guides and documentation. Issuu also takes your documents and turns them into PDFs ready for publishing on the Issuu website.