International School Library Month occurs in October. The theme for 2008 is ‘Literacy and Learning at your School Library’. Check out more details here.
What does it involve? The ISLM Bookmark Project involved matched schools making homemade bookmarks that reflects the International School Library Month theme. Your bookmarks will be sent on to your matched school and you will receive bookmarks from that school in return.
What do you have to do? If you would like to become involved in this project, you will need to send the following information to the ISLD coordinator, Amanda Curtis.
- your school’s name
- your school’s location (city, state/province/country)
- the grade/age level of the students to be involved
- the number of students involved (this is very important to ensure you are matched to a school of similar size)
- the contact information (name and email address – include a contact email where you can be reached during any school holidays)
Every few weeks until early September, a new list of schools will be sent to the participating schools to choose a match. Matching takes place on a regular basis and it is vital that you provide contact information during your respective school holidays. All contact regarding this project should be directed to Amanda Curtis.
You can also obtain a poster to promote ISLM, thanks to the International Association of School Librarianship. ISLM 2008 Tabloid