Prezi is a very interesting presentation tool. This Prezi by Adam Somlai Fischer explains more:
Finished Prezis can be embedded into websites, accessed online via a URL or can even be saved to use offline. This can be a godsend if you are delivering a presentation and don’t want to have to rely on internet access.
The great news this week is that Prezi has released educational accounts. Previously all prezis had to be public. Now schools have the chance for students to use Prezi, but only share their presentation with selected people. Prezi EDUEnjoy is free.
Although a little tricky to begin with, watching the Prezi tutorial videos and spending an hour or so just playing with Prezi will really pay off. There are free accounts as well as ones that do cost due to extra features.
Thanks to Dianne McKenzie (@dimac4) and Glenys Lowden (@glenyslowden) for the heads up on Prezi.
Thanks. There was a lot of buzz on Twitter yesterday about Prezi. I had taken a quick look at it some time ago. I’ll need to take another look and explore it more.
Now that Prezi has education accounts, I’m thinking about giving it a go with my elementary students. I was hestitant to use it with them before because of the complexity, but the more I use it, the more I think that the students will catch on to it quickly. I’ll keep you posted about how it goes!
Please do. It’s always great to hear how the educational applications enhance current units of work.
I’ve heard about a few higher education schools in Scandinavia that have started using instead. Similar zoom concept but seems to display visual files better. Anyone tired them out?