iLearn Technology

The award winning iLearn Technology blog by Kelly Tenkely is one blog to add to your Google Reader account. This extensive blog exposes many useful tools, but the best part is the explanations of how the tool can be used in the classroom and integrated into existing units of work.

iLearn Technology

Kelly Tenkely explains her background on her about page:

1 year as a 2nd grade classroom teacher, 6 years as a k-5 technology specialist/teacher. Currently I am teaching 3-5 grade technology and acting as technology integration specialist and instructional coach for elementary teachers

Kelly has also developed the fantastic idea of forming a blogging alliance. Here members commit to reading and commenting on a number of each others blogs on a regular basis. The alliance has introduced me to a number of excellent blogs that I may never have found otherwise as well as providing ongoing mentoring for me and the Bright Ideas blog.

You can find Kelly on Twitter at

4 thoughts on “iLearn Technology

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this information! A colleague an I recently started our website and added a blog to it. We started the blog 1 week ago and we only have 3 posts but we are really enjoying it.

    Our goal is to reach teachers who may not have used much technology in the past. I sent an email invite to abut 1,000 Language teachers in the County and so far a lot of them are visiting us. It’s really exciting. I wish we could create more of a sense of community by having them post comments on the blog entries we have published. I feel that they are browsing quite a bit and they are downloading many of the resources we have on the website but there is no real interest in commenting and communicating. Perhaps by signing up for the alliance and when they see others commenting they would feel more encouraged to do so.

    Anyhow! I’m excited about this opportunity and will be going to sign up now. THANK YOU!


  2. I totally agree! Yay for Kelly, her blog, and the blog alliance. I also have found many great blogs that I would not have known about any other way (including this one) 🙂 By the way, I love how your title is done and all the great resources on the side!

  3. Thank you for the shout out for iLearn Technology. It has been a labor of love! So glad to have you as part of the alliance, it has been wonderful for me to expand my Google Reader feeds and have the opportunity to learn from so many gifted writers and educators!

    • Thank you for the Blogging alliance. It really is a wonderful idea. I have read so many terrific new blogs already, with lots more to go. iLearn Technology is an excellent site. Congratulations on all your hard work and success.

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