School libraries and teacher-librarians in 21st century Australia

The Report of the Australian Parliament, House of Representatives, Education and Employment Committee’s Inquiry into School Libraries and Teacher-librarians in 21st century Australia was tabled on 23 May 2011. SLAV welcomes the recommendations and is working in collaboration with the Australian School Library Association (ASLA) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) to formulate follow-up strategies at the state and national level.

The full text of School Libraries and Teacher-librarians in 21st century Australia can be found at
The SLAV Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry can be found at (submission 114)
Be involved!

SLAV has established a Parliamentary Inquiry Reference Group that will provide input and support for its representatives in national discussions and also to identify and implement practical strategies that will ensure that what has come out of the national Parliamentary Inquiry will have a positive impact here in Victoria.

All SLAV members are invited to express interest in becoming a member of this Reference Group.
To express interest, please send an email as follows:
Subject: Parliamentary Inquiry Reference Group
Please indicate your name, school and SLAV membership number
Briefly indicate how you would like to be involved – for example: attending meetings, collaborative online comments and discussion, skype hook-up, ….

SLAV needs input from as broad a range of members as possible!

Tell your good news stories!

To help build the evidence base regarding the positive impact of school libraries, members are encouraged to place their comments, stories and feedback on the following sites.

Facebook – What a difference a school library makes

Wiki – What a difference a school library makes

One thought on “School libraries and teacher-librarians in 21st century Australia

  1. This is an important time for all school library staff, not only teacher librarians. Here is an opportunity to highlight the wonderful work that being done in schools as testified through this blog and elswhere. Response to this Inquiry can be as simple as a comment on this blog post or a response the the various invitiations it contains. The main thing is……. do something to speak about the impact you are having in your schools.

    Also, remember that Joyce Valenza, will continue the journey she started with Victorian educators last year at the SLAV conference on 29 July. She, like many of you, is shining a light on our way forward. Cheers

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