My fake wall

My fake wall

Although Facebook may not be available in many schools, there are a number of applications you can use to recreate look-alike pages with students . My fake wall lets you create a fake wall, unrelated to the Facebook site, with commonly recognisable features.

Students can use the site to explore historical and fictitious characters, narrative and more by creating conversations through posts and comments. One example given on the site is a fake wall from Elizabeth I’s perspective.

Whether it be as an alternative to book reviews or simply a way to explore relationships between people from fiction and history, My fake wall is a fun way to engage with character, story and biography.

SLAV conference reflections: Hamish Curry

Hamish Curry, Education Manager at the State Library of Victoria shares his reflections on Monday’s SLAV conference where he presented on how to create with library data.

About 200 library technicians and assistants arrived at Etihad Stadium on Monday 17th October to hear more on SLAV’s theme of  ‘Activate the learning with emerging technologies’.

As always, the SLAV conference engaged us with tools, ideas, resources, and networks. There were a series of great presentations from the likes of Jenny Ashby (Epsom Primary School), Greg Gebhart (Australian Communications and Media Authority), and Camilla Elliott (Mazenod College).

Jenny Ashby took centre stage in the morning to help the audience ‘Activate your 21st Century Mobile Libraries’. There could have been no better example of this than in her great discussion of ways in which QR (Quick Response) codes could be adapted for and embedded in library practices. As her presentation progressed, with QR Codes displayed on the screen, audience members madly lifted their smart-phones into the air to decode and access the content.  My take-away from Jenny’s presentation is how easy it now is to integrate mobile phones into the normal business and learning of the school environment. Some of her great links included:

QR Code generators – Kaywa and Gorillascan

QR Treasure Hunt Generator – Class tools QR treasure hunt generator

After morning tea, Camilla Elliott did an outstanding job filling in for John Pearce, who was a late scratching. With a strong focus on motivating us to learn more about how Google works, Camilla also highlighted some excellent search tools that acted as great educational alternatives to Google, such as Boolify , Sweet Search, and DuckDuckGo.

Greg Gebhart from ACMA woke us all up with some startling realities about young people engaging with social media and various networks online. It was hard not to feel frightened of the online environment and worried about the growing numbers of primary school students participating online without guidance from teachers and parents. Cybersmart provides some useful resources and information to address these concerns, but ultimately it is the challenge of educators and libraries to model and mentor digital citizenship and digital literacy for all students.

The afternoon was a mind-blowing smorgasbord of presentations from Judith Way (Kew High School), Tania Sheko (Whitefriars College), Tony Richards (IT Made Simple), Vincent Trundle (ACMI) and Camilla Elliott. I attended Camilla’s presentation and it was chock-full of great sites and resources around maps. Highlights included NearMap, ScribbleMaps and Google Lit Trips.

My own presentation was titled “I’m a Library Hack!” and aligned with a number of the topics from the other presentations around the use of maps, augmented reality, social media, and library data to help engage and enrich the experiences of teachers and students within the school and online environments. A key focus was the Libraryhack competition run by the National State Libraries of Australasia earlier this year. My presentation is available here.

You can also follow some of the conversation from the day on the Twitter hashtag #slavconf.

Free event with author of Brotherband, John Flanagan

On Sunday 23rd October, 2-3pm The Centre for Youth Literature will be hosting a free event at the State Library of Victoria with author John Flanagan, launching his new Viking series, Brotherband. John will be talking about the books and answering questions from the audience.

The event is free but bookings are essential. You can call 8664 7099, book online or via email, More information about the event is available on the Read Alert blog.

Keep an eye out for Vikings at the event!

Brotherband by John Flanagan



Google’s new social networking site Google+ is similar to Facebook but includes features that have a range of professional applications for schools and libraries.

Circles let you group friends together and post, chat and video conference with them exclusively, effectively making a private channel. Just as you can create a circle for your family or close friends, you can set up circles for staff from different subject areas, schools or even based on projects you’re working on with schools in other parts of the world.

Hangouts let you video conference with a group of people in real time. This has obvious uses when connecting to people in other schools, cities or countries.

At this stage Google+ is still in beta so it’s only available to people over the age of 18 with a Gmail account.  Google has stated that they plan to test the platform for security so that they can open the network to all people over the age of 13. When students can access the service, circles and hangouts could be an incredibly useful way for educators to engage with students in a social media environment.

Two simple measures of your school’s relationship with technology

Brad Ovenell-Carter, Head of the Think Global School recently posted on the integration of ICT in schools.

He talks about how visible new technologies are in the learning process in 2 simple ways to measure the success of your school’s tech program.

Do students use devices in a lab or are they available anywhere learning happens?

Do staff and students notice new technology or is it just another tool in the classroom?

It’s interesting to think what would have to happen in schools for devices like smart phones and tablets to be as ubiquitous as a pencil or notebook.

Or maybe they already are? What are your experiences?

2 simple measures of your tech program

Ngram viewer

Ngram viewer is a great new tool from Google Books that lets you search through individual words from over 5 million books digitised by Google.

The resulting graphs illustrate word usage trends over the past two centuries.

This TED presentation, by Erez Lieberman Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel from the team who created the Ngram viewer, shows some of the amazing things you can learn from 500 billion words.

Ngram Viewer

Commons explorer

You probably know Flickr Commons, long an incredible source of images from some of the world’s greatest library and museum collections. All images in the Commons have “no known copyright restrictions” and can be used, mashed up, tagged and added to your own Flickr galleries.

Many of the big names are there: Australian War Memorial, Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, the Powerhouse, and the National Libraries of Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland.

There are also many smaller but astonishing collections which offer a wide range of digitised historical images of everything from maritime history to cowgirls to warfare to Antarctic expeditions. The number of institutions involved increases all the time.

Now there’s also a great new way of exploring the collections: commonsExplorer, from Creative Canberra.

Browse interface, CommonsExplorer

Browse interface, CommonsExplorer

It’s a quickly downloaded browsing interface that gives you, and students, a more visual view of the collections and the images. You can scroll through the list of all the participating institutions, then either search through the tag cloud or window shop through the pop-ups for images.

Tag cloud

Tag cloud

Act Wild

Act Wild is a website, m-site and mobile app providing opportunities for students to take simple real world actions that benefit wildlife.

It offers information in a range of formats such as videos, fact sheets, images, and habitation mapping, and offers online actions that students can take if they want to get involved in saving the Sumatran Tiger or the Growing Grass Frog.

It also includes feeds on recent web or mobile initiatives by the Zoo and other wildlife organisations (for example, the use of iPads in Zoo learning activities, or new apps launched recently).


Act Wild is a partnership between Zoos Victoria and Greening Australia and is funded as part of the digital education content initiatives and strategies of the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) through the Find Use Share Education (FUSE) project.

Cool tools for students

Jenny Luca, Teacher Librarian at Toorak College, presents three vodcasts in the Merspi VCE Advantage series, which look at some really useful online tools that can help students with organization, notetaking and presenting their work.

These videos cover the how, what and why of bookmarking using Diigo, notetaking using Evernote and presenting and sharing your work using Slideshare. Great advice and guidance for students and useful for teachers and librarians too!

The vodcasts are available via the VCE Advantage link on the merspi front page,  directly from the merspi YouTube channel and through FUSE for all schools – search for them by title.