Our Lady of Mercy College teacher librarian Michael Jongen has been blogging since early 2009.
Designed to help support teachers integrate web 2.0 technologies into teaching and learning, Michael explains the impetus for his blog Web 2.0 and other library stuff:
I attended a SLAV PD in March 2009, where Will Richardson argued that ‘Learning in the 21st century is all about networks and the connections we can make to other learners and teachers both in our communities and around the globe. But being literate in this new learning environment requires more than knowing how to read and write, it requires us to edit, publish, collaborate, create and connect in the process of building our own personal learning spaces’.
Inspired by this, I decided to blog and work with the teachers at my school and make them aware of Web 2.0 and its potential for learning. This blog will be about how one teacher librarian raises awareness within his school.
The great thing about Michael’s blog is that he has customised it specifically for the staff and conditions at his school. Thanks for sharing your work Michael.
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