Handheld Librarian Online Conference – Sending out an SMS

Joe Murphy (@libraryfuture) is an innovative librarian at the prestigeous Yale University. He recently gave a presentation to the Handheld Librarian Online Conference on the use of SMS in libraries. The presentation is well worth viewing and is certainly one worth considering.

View more presentations from Joe Murphy.

Joe’s presentation was amongst the most highly rated at the conference. What does it mean for school practitioners though? If this is the way customer service is headed in libraries, how can we incorporate these technologies into schools when so many schools have bans on mobile phones? Would love any comments.

Web 2.0: Cool tools for schools

Web 2.0 Cool tools for schools is a terrific wiki that groups Web 2.0 tools into categories such as:

  • videos
  • slideshows
  • presentations
  • widgets
  • research
  • image
  • audio
  • mapping
  • drawing
  • organising
  • music
  • writing and more.

Most of the tools have examples or tutorials as well as a short comment about the individual site.

So if you have a task in mind, check this wiki out and you are sure to find the right tool for the job! Thanks to Jennifer Frisardi for the link.

VELS ICT resources

Victorian Northern Metropolitan Region  Ultranet Coach Anesti Anestis has agreed to share a VELS wiki he has been developing.

VELS ICT wiki homepage
VELS ICT wiki homepage

Anesti explains:

Paula Christophersen, ICT Curriculum Manager, VCAA and her team has released a range of new resources and support materials on the VELS website that is designed to support the application of ICT in learning and teaching programs. It is a very comprehensive list of ideas for Prep through to Year 10. There are many practical resources that schools, ICT teachers and classroom teachers can use. Another useful link that may support our understanding of the role of ICT in the curriculum and its interdisciplinary nature is here: http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/about/faq.html#21

VELS Primary and scope and sequence
VELS Primary and scope and sequence

He continues:

This wiki is a community effort to share some “teacher friendly” resources for the VELS ICT domain. In addition we hope to add links to lots of useful resources from the web to aid in its implementation.

Please use the discussion tab above if you have comments or suggestions. Or just jump right in and start adding to the pages.

We are collecting a large number of ICT documents from many schools and cluster educators and placing them in the resources section. We will use these documents as the basis for collaborating on the wiki.

Secondary scope and sequence
Secondary scope and sequence

You will also find that there are examples of Scope and Sequence for both Primary and Secondarylevels. Here schools have been invited to share what they have been doing and add links to documentation so that other interested teachers have easy access to support materials.

Another excellent wiki Anesti. Thank you for your work and for sharing with the readers of Bright Ideas.


* January 7, 2010. The following statement regarding Sparklebox was released by the Kent (UK) County Council on the 5th of January:

Kent Statement re the blocking of Sparklebox 

It has been bought to Kent County Council’s attention that many Local Authorities are blocking a teaching resource website: www.sparklebox.co.uk.  Although this website is popular with schools, CEOP has issued a statement supporting both this action and the following statement from South West Grid for Learning: 

 “It is understood that a person who is on the record as an owner and director of Sparklebox Teacher Resources Limited (which appears to claim ownership of the SparkleBox web site and children’s learning materials) is a registered sex offender who has recently admitted a second offence, is on remand in prison and is awaiting sentence in January.”

For this reason we feel it right to block the site centrally until more information is available and review whether this site should be blocked permanently after consulting schools and other sources.

Failure to block this site may place Schools or Kent County Council in a difficult position regarding duty of care. Should staff wish to continue using the website there is nothing to stop its use from home. We invite discussion from staff who may be concerned about this decision to discuss this on the e-Safety Blog (please note that this blog is moderated so your comment may not appear immediately).

Also, a statement from the UK’s Child Expoitation and Online Protection Centre:

Following queries into the website sparklebox.co.uk over the past couple of months, CEOP have investigated the website and its management. It should be noted that Sparklebox’s primary aim is to provide resources for schools (in particular teachers) but that there are opportunities for pictures of young people to be sent in and be published online and that until recently there was a live blog. Sparklebox state that all staff have been through relevant checks however CEOP can support the recent SWGfL statement released this week, an extract of which is below:

 “It is understood that a person who is on the record as an owner and director of Sparklebox Teacher Resources Limited (which appears to claim ownership of the SparkleBox web site and children’s learning materials) is a registered sex offender who has recently admitted a second offence, is on remand in prison and is awaiting sentence in January.”

 CEOP are also aware that a number of RBC’s and Local Authorities have blocked sparklebox.co.uk until they are satisfied that suitable safeguarding arrangements are in place. CEOP supports this stance and would recommend that any schools who choose to overrule their central filtering lists give due consideration to a website specific school risk analysis and risk management plan.

Please use Sparklebox at your own discretion as I am not sure if it has been widely blocked here in Australia or not.



SparkleBox is a UK site that provides free teaching resources for Early Years Foundation (kinder – prep) and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2). All resources are applicable to Australian classrooms. 


With topics such as:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Everyday life
  • Living things
  • Ourselves
  • Weather and seasons
  • Places
  • The past
  • Festivals and celebrations
  • Art and design
  • Physical education
  • LOTE

there are lots of resources to choose from.

Key Stage 2 resources (years 3-6) are also available. This site also provides signs, displays, certificates and awards that can simply be  printed out and used immediately. 

An excellent resource for all Primary school and Early Childhood teachers.

Google Translate

Here is a handy tool for LOTE teachers and anyone else wanting to communicate in languages other than English. Google Translate can do three great things:

  1. Enter a phrase in your selected language for search in another language
  2. Add a widget to your webpage to allow it to be translated instantly by readers in other languages
  3. Create content in other languages

Languages supported are:



Google Translate seems like it could be very useful, however you may need a Google account to use it.


After the tragic consequences of the recent incident in Geelong that apparently had links to cyberbullying, here are some websites that teachers and students may like to know about. Jo Robinson, from Orygen Youth Mental Health Services suggests:

Other resources include:

  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • SANE helpline 1800 187 263

The Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has a Cybersafe  Classroom page while the Australian Media and Communications Authority has developed cyber(smart:) resources for students (of all ages), parents, schools and libraries. ACMA also offers Internet Safety Presentations

There was also an article in Saturday’s Age that might be of interest to teachers and parents.

Games for learning wiki

Victorian Northern Metropolitan Region Ultranet Coach Anesti Anestis has provided Bright Ideas with information about a Games for Learning wiki.


Anesti explains, ‘It is a site to find, make and play games.  Teachers involved in gaming can share their experiences and findings in applying games in the classroom.’

Getting started
Getting started

With information on

  • Free stuff
  • Gamemaking software
  • Gaming sites
  • Getting Started
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo Edu Titles
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Presentation and Resources
  • XBOX
  • XNA Game creators
  • there is plenty of support for schools that are considering introducing gaming for learning.

    Online resources for teaching Shakespeare

    English teachers are always looking for new ways to support teaching Shakespeare. Here is a site that provides just that. Provided by the UK’s Department for Children, Schools and Families, Powerpoints, Word Documents and Smartboard files are available for anyone to use.

    Enjoying Shakespeare homepage
    Enjoying Shakespeare homepage

    With strategies that incorporate ICT into teaching texts such as Macbeth, King Lear, Othello, Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream as well as more specific information on teaching Romeo and Juliet, this is a site you should share with your English teaching colleagues. They’ll thank you for it!

    Free Realms

    For any teacher or parent interested in gaming for learning, Free Realms is a free gaming site designed for families.

    The Free Realms for Parents page explains more about the site:

    What is Free Realms?
    Welcome to FreeRealms.com! Free Realmsis a fun, whimsical virtual world filled with dynamic gameplay and compelling content for everyone, especially families.

    Do what you want to do, when you want to do it, in a 3D world of lush landscapes and fun wildlife. Teach your pet new tricks, explore a lush new world, earn great items through quests or play fun mini-games. If adventuring is more your style, become a wizard and search for lost treasure or fight monsters in a mix of real-world experiences and fantasy adventure. With regular content updates and special events scheduled, it’s time to discover the delights of Free Realms!

    Developed by Sony, you can be assured that the site is a good one. With parent controls, restricted chat and forums, schools and families are well catered for.

    An attractive and engaging site that enables families to play together.