Feature blog – Glenys Lowden’s tech blog

Regular readers of Bright Ideas will recognise Lowther Hall AGS‘s Glenys Lowden as an avid developer of Web 2.0 tools for learning and teaching. This time Glenys shares her new tech blog, the cleverly named Lowd en clear.


Glenys explains why the blog was born:

I decided to also set up my own blog for practising new tech and including other things that might be relevant. I am trying to consolidate all the things I have been learning from so many sources. I thought that if I practised in this space using different tools then this would help my learning. I am currently Head of Library and have been a teacher since 1977. Phew that is a long time. I only moved into the Library field in recent years and prior to that had been Head of Welfare and Head of Humanities at a number of different schools. I am not quite sure yet how I will set out the blog but I will start with this format and see how I go.

I have an introductory activity that I used with Year 7 orientation in the first week of term on there. It is very short but I didn’t have much time with the class. The IWB section of the activity is not there but I have tried to briefly explain what I did. They really enjoyed using the mobile phone as the source to photograph and record their answers.

Glenys has started her blog in a brilliant way by sharing her year 7 orientation lessons. The RevolverMaps widget is a nice addition. Looking forward to seeing the blog develop and evolve. Well done again Glenys.

5 thoughts on “Feature blog – Glenys Lowden’s tech blog

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Feature blog – Glenys Lowden’s tech blog | Bright ideas -- Topsy.com

  2. What a great idea, Glenys! I’m interested in following what you’re discovering. I like the way you”ll just see how things go. I’m sure they’ll go very well, and others will also benefit.

  3. I was not able to access Lowd en clear’s examples—when I clicked on them, they went to Sprint ads and other business ads…The only post I was able to read and see was your embed on the Revolver widget..I really would like to explore more on this blog….thanks!

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