There are some exciting web conferences scheduled next week for both teachers and students in the Virtual Conference Centre:
* Switching on to Literacy – Blogging
* Act 4 Nature with Zoos Victoria (Student Session – join in
with your class!)
* Music Matters
* Tech-Talk Tuesday: Web Conferencing for Student Collaboration
* What’s burning in eLearning? – What’s on the Horizon for P-12
* Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ultranet – Episode 1, A New Hope
* Where’s the Remote? – Rural Education Forum
These sessions are free and you don’t even need to sign up. Further details of these sessions are below. Details of upcoming events can be found on the Virtual Conference Centre calendar at:
Switching On To Literacy – Blogging
WHEN: Monday, May 31, 2010, 3:45 – 4:45pm
PRESENTER(S): Nathan Black and Joanne Scott
SUMMARY: Are you a busy teacher who needs quick and easy tips for integrating ICT effectively into literacy sessions? Are you already using ICT’s in your classroom, but are looking for some new ideas and uses? Are you an enthusiastic teacher of Early Years student? This is the right place for you! Switching on to Literacy’ is a professional learning series aimed at promoting ICT use in the Early Years literacy classroom. We welcome passionate educators will all levels of experience with ICT. In this session, Nathan Black will demonstrate practical ways for using blogging tools within the classroom. We will look at the technology and explore ways that blogs can be used to enhance class activities.
Act4Nature with Zoos Victoria
WHEN: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 2 – 3pm
PRESENTER(S): Rick Hammond and Donna Livermore, Zoos Victoria
SUMMARY: Chat to Zoo experts each month and take the pledge to Act4Nature
<> . 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity and we’re asking schools to get involved. Each month we’ll be profiling a different animal species that is under threat and recommending a simple action we can all do to help. Students will be given opportunities to contribute their ideas and strategies to an online blog between sessions.
Music Matters
WHEN: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 3:45 – 4:45pm
PRESENTER(S): Sally Walsh
SUMMARY: Are you ready to try new things in your music room? Do you want a forum to discuss and share new ideas for music technology? What about hearing from the experts about innovations in music education? If so, “Music Matters” is for you. Come and join us, share ideas, or just listen. In this session we will be discussing free and cheap software to add interest to music lessons. This session will show ways to involve students in music education without them knowing they are learning anything! Great (free!) ideas for using interactive whiteboards in your music room.
Tech-Talk Tuesday: Web Conferencing for Student Collaboration
WHEN: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 3:45 – 4:45pm
PRESENTER(S): Claire Bloom and Anne Mirtschin
SUMMARY: Web conferencing software enabled Year 10 students from Warrandyte High School, Victoria, Australia to work in e-teams with students from Wellington Girls College in New Zealand. As a
virtual team students created a website that investigated and compared social networking habits across the schools, explored some of the social issues related to social networking and then reflected on the experience
of web conferencing. Hear Claire Bloom discuss the ‘nuts and bolts’ of establishing a web conferencing-based global project. Learn about the achievements experienced as students worked globally to achieve many
cultural understandings.
What’s Burning in eLearning? – What’s on the Horizon for P-12 schools?
WHEN: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 4 – 5pm
PRESENTER(S): Mark Richardson
SUMMARY: What will be the latest emerging technologies that will hit schools in the next few years? How pedagogically sound are they? How will these technologies enhance teaching and learning? Will schools, teachers and students readily take them up? Tony Richards from ITmadeSimple, will discuss the projections of The Horizon Report 2010 K-12 Edition, as well as sharing his ideas on the topic. What do you think of cloud computing, collaborative tools, game based learning, and mobile devices? These are rapidly becoming part on the school landscape. While others such as Augmented Reality and Flexible Displays may be just
over the horizon..
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ultranet: Episode 1, A New Hope
WHEN: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 4 – 5pm
PRESENTER(S): Becky Marley and Narissa Leung
SUMMARY: A long time ago, in an Education Department far, far away, a revolutionary idea was born. Since its inception, the Ultranet represented a revolutionary vision of Web 2.0 and its potential for improving outcomes in Victorian schools. Well folks, the revolution is NOW! On March 10th the Ultranet was launched at Ringwood Secondary College. As Ultranet Coaches, Lead Users and intrepid teachers set out on a process of discovery with this new educational tool, this series will seek to bring together educators keen to make the most of the Ultranet in its various stages..
Where’s the Remote? – Rural education forum
WHEN: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 4 – 5pm
PRESENTER(S): Cameron Peverett and Kane Horwill
SUMMARY: Feeling isolated or ignored? Struggling to find relevant PD close to home? Watch this space! Each week we will be discussing issues common to those in rural settings. Need more information or ideas on ICT? Additional Needs students? Classroom management? Become part of a collective group willing to share experiences, advice and professional development in a context relevant to you in a supportive and understanding environment. Our informal discussions will be aimed at narrowing the gaps of professional learning and advice available between rural and metro schools through the coming of digital age; where distance should no longer be a deficit.