Protect, Nurture, Grow with Web 2.0

Mount Eliza Secondary College Librarian Lynn Swannell has developed an excellent presentation for her staff on how using Web 2.0 with students can help ‘protect, nurture and grow’.
Lynn explains:

I was asked to do a presentation about Web2.0 for our staff during the ‘Ultranet’ training day – plan B!

In putting the presentation together I tried to look at how I could link Web2.0 to our school motto of “Protect, Nurture, Grow” and also incorporate alot of what I had learnt during the program. I was quite pleased with the result and had lots of positive feedback from our staff.   There have been lots of requests for up-coming ICTuesday PD sessions which is great and I made sure to ‘plug’ the ‘Sharing eLearning at MESC’ wiki that I created earlier in the program.  A number of departments have now created their own wikis to share information amongst staff within their departments, as well as some classroom wikis happening – I did tell them that they can be addictive once you get started!

View more presentations from Lynn Swannell.

I’m going to send staff a weekly email of links that I’ve found via Twitter and various blogs (including Bright Ideas) and added to the ‘Sharing eLearning‘ wiki to keep up the interest.

Thanks Lynn for willingly sharing your excellent work yet again with readers of Bright Ideas.

Weekly links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Upload your future!

Bianca van Meeuwen, the ICT Outreach Officer for the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology has kindly sent the following information:

On 9 November 2010 Swinburne University of Technology will host Girls in IT, an Upload Your Future event.

We would like to invite all girls aged 14-19 years old to join the fun!

The day will include interactive programming and design workshops, inspirational female industry speakers, an opportunity to hear from current female ICT students, plus complimentary lunch and a show bag!

Multi-Touch iPod nano give away to one lucky participant!

Register to attend

The sessions are free of charge | Spaces are limited | Schools are welcome to register

Complimentary daily Metcard for each participant. Register to attend by 1 November 2010 to receive a daily Metcard for your students.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at Girls in IT!

Please find your Upload Your Future invitation Upload Your Future Invite.

What a fantastic event. Pity things like this weren’t around when I was a student!


Although still in beta testing, popplet is well worth checking out.

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By applying for a tester code that will arrive in a day or two, users can take this site for sharing ideas visually for a test drive. This video explains more:

If you don’t want to try the test model, you can stay in touch with popplet news via email, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo or Tumblr. As popplet lite is also available as a free iPad app, schools and teachers that have access to them might like to investigate further.

2010 K12 online conference

This fantastic free online conference officially kicks off on October 18th (US time). With over 40 sessions on “innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used can be used to improve learning” there’s sure to be at least several sessions to interest every educator.

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The conference provides a wiki for session details, scheduling information and time zone details, a blog for announcements and a ning for registration and continuing the conversation. You can also follow the conversations via Twitter and Facebook.

In 2009 all sessions were available via iTunes for free downloading as well, so that if you have a mobile device, you can access these terrific sessions anywhere, anytime. This is sure to be repeated once the conference concludes.

This is a professional learning opportunity not to be missed.

State Library of Victoria survey

Hamish Curry, the Education & Onsite Learning Manager, Learning Services at the State Library of Victoria asks readers of Bright Ideas for the following assistance:

The Education team at the State Library of Victoria are embarking upon steps to evolve the learning services we offer onsite, online, and offsite.

A significant part of this is to gather feedback from our audiences and partners. From those that connect with us regularly, and reaching those that don’t.

We’ve built this survey, which takes no more 10 minutes to complete, to collect this information. Entering your email address at the end puts you in the running to win one of eight $50 iTunes vouchers.

I would love your participation in this survey (if you feel it’s appropriate), but also if you know of other educators and networks who can help paint a picture of how we can build better education services.

The State Library of Victoria is such a wonderful resource and they are planning (with our help, via this survey) to make it even better. Exciting times ahead!

animoto for geography

Penleigh and Essendon Grammar teacher librarian Joanna Durst has created a terrific animoto as a guide for her year 7 geography students.

Joanna explains:

I prepared this one to demonstrate how the Year 7 students might make one for their “My favourite destination” unit in Geography. It was lots of fun.

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Creating your own digital story or presentation is an excellent way to show students what can be achieved. Nice work Joanna and thanks for sharing.

Weekly links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

International School Library Month (ISLM)

October is International School Library Month. The theme for 2010 is Diversity, Challenge, Resilience: School libraries have it all. The ISLM coordinator is Marie O’Brien from Australia and International School Library Day is October 25.

ISLMonth Logo

The ISLM bookmark project is running again and the IASL website will be showcasing what people are doing for ISLM. The IASL website states:

What people are doing for ISLM 2010

Send in your submissions for “What people are doing for ISLM 2010” by email to the IASL Web Manager, Karen Bonanno.

Subject line: ISLM activities

Include in your email message the following information:

  • Country
  • Name
  • Title of your position
  • School or organisation
  • Brief outline of the ISLM activity
  • Web link, if appropriate

If sending images to accompany your report on ISLM activities please send them as .jpg or .gif. Keep them as small as possible, example 240 x 180 dimensions, as large files will slow down the display of the web page

Please note: Submissions received after 31 October 2010 may not be included on the ISLM “What people are doing for ISLM 2010” web pages

Logos and resources such as posters and maps can be downloaded from the IASL website. Looking forward to reading about and viewing pictures of the celebrations!