SLAV Connects is a blog by the School Libraries Association of Victoria (SLAV), formerly named Bright Ideas when a collaboration between SLAV and the State Library of Victoria (SLV). Its aim is to share news from the Association and to encourage teacher librarians, librarians, school library staff, educators and all interested persons to actively engage with the school libraries, to share tools and experiences; to network on a global scale; and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities.
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I just wanted to thank you for your terrific blog. I have used many of the ideas, links, information from Bright Ideas, as well as passing some of the “bright ideas” along to other members of staff.
I enjoyed the Web 2.0 course run by SLAV last year and since then have been running a number of blogs as part of my work in the school library here at Monivae. Here in the library, we have just branched out into running a wiki for the ICT committee. We are also trying to drag the rest of the staff (some kicking and screaming!!!- not really) into the world of Web 2.0.
So just to say keep up the great work.
Nicola Crawford
Monivae College
VIC 3300
Hi Nicola,
Thanks so much for the support. I am glad that you find the blog useful.
I would love to feature some of your work if that is possible.
Kind regards,
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Thanks for sharing your ideas. I often get asked ‘ Where do you find all this stuff?’
My reply – Australian teacher librarians are a very collaborative lot and Bright Ideas is one of the best.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Am relly looking forward to using Bright Ideas – just a beginner!