Whenever we are faced with learning new skills or new methods we tend to focus on the tools. However, when we shift our focus from the tools to what can be done with them, real transformation occurs. Mastery and success become possible; it’s the same whether you are learning to paint with oils or teach research skills at a 1:1 netbook/iPad/BYOD school.
Bamboo Dirt is an online registry created to help educators make that shift. Its focus is on research tools and the Bamboo Dirt search function is organised around the idea of purpose.
Bamboo Dirt’s home page offers lots of browsing categories based around tasks. Categories include:
- visualise data
- organise research materials
- manage tasks
- manage bibliographic information
- communicate with colleagues
- author an interactive work
- build and share collections
Users can also search or browse by keyword, tags, recommended resources, and new resources. Each result has a short description plus information on cost, licensing and platforms.
- add resources
- review them
- comment/describe how you have used a tool
- recommend good resources and those appropriate for beginners
- submit tips and tricks to help others understand the value of the tool