Furl becomes part of Diigo

The following information comes from Furl, a Web 2.0 resource that was reviewed  by Bright Ideas in 2008.

Dear Furl Users,

The Furl team is very pleased to announce that Furl has become part of Diigo.com. We worked hard to find Furl a home where loyal users like you could continue to benefit from best-of-breed social bookmarking and annotation tools. Hands down, Diigo.com was the winner due to its innovative approach to online research tools and knowledge sharing.

The Diigo team is dedicated to making sure you continue to get top notch features and service. They’ve got a crack team of technologists who love making research and knowledge sharing as easy and efficient as possible. Exporting your data from Furl to Diigo is super easy.

Just follow this link: http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?5g68-3P77-Ama792

We feel fortunate to have been able to serve as your social bookmarking site provider and can’t thank you enough for your loyal support over the past four years. We’ll miss you and we wish you the best as part of the Diigo community.

Bushfire update

A Bushfire Affected Communities wiki  has now been established by the ALIA Disaster Recovery Project.

On the wiki (amongst other things) is the offer to residents who have lost books are directed to use Library Thing to create their own catalogue of lost reading materials and submit this so that a targeted replacement program can occur.

If people would like to donate books or goods then please send them to:
City of Whittlesea
Civic Centre, East Wing
Ferres Boulevard,
South Morang VIC 2752
Attention: Bushfire Donations

Also, a big thank you to everyone who has helped in their own way. This includes Victorians and people from interstate and overseas. It is heartening to see so many people work together during such a difficult time.

Australian Awards for Teaching Excellence

The Teaching Australia – Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited Australian Awards for Teaching Excellence is now accepting nominations. Categories include:

Looking at the wonderful contributions featured on Bright Ideas, there are a number of teacher librarians, teachers, librarians and support staff that could apply for these awards. Some of the criteria include:

  • A high level of professional knowledge and understanding
  • Exemplary professional practice
  • Influential professional leadership

Nomination procedures can be accessed here.

Please consider applying for one or more of these awards. Teaching Australia – Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited is funded by the Australian Government and the Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations is sole member of the company. 

The Commonwealth Government’s Building the Education Revolution Primary Learning Environment

The Commonwealth Government has recently released the guidelines for Primary Schools  applying for grants for 21st Century Learning Neighbourhoods, 21st Century Libraries/Learning Resource Centres and 21st Century Multipurpose Centres. 

Of note to library staff (whether or not they are eligible for the grant) will be the information on what a 21st Century Library/Learning Resource Centre should offer:

21st Century Library / Learning Resource Centre

The 21st century library provides a learning resource hub and a central location for storage and coordination of facilities and services for use by the whole school

community. In contrast to the libraries of the industrial era, 21st century libraries can be thought of as places, opportunities and resources for individual and shared investigation for all learning styles.

 The library will house the majority of the school’s resources and provide formal and informal spaces for both students and staff.

 The library area performs a number of important functions associated with the range of learning and teaching activities to be undertaken at the school. It should be able to house the physical resources of the school, such as books, magazines and maps, as well as offer access to online, electronic, audiovisual and other resources through provision for computer terminals and audiovisual equipment.

 It offers flexible teaching spaces that can be used by whole class or smaller groups to undertake learning activities based upon library resources. There are spaces for quiet reading and discussion as well as space for formal lecture and discussion for larger groups of students.

 Audio-visual recording and editing facilities, with ‘green screen’ and acoustic separation, an animation zone, computer access, central storage of communal ICT resources and a small presentation space are integral to its design as a ‘high-tech’ digital learning hub. A staff work area, areas and facilities for dynamic displays, displays of books and other learning resources, an adjoining conference room, interview room, collaborative zones, quiet reading and study areas, relaxation zones, including an integrated café style area for senior students, provide spaces for independent learning and social interaction and ensure that it maintains a ‘hightouch’ quality.

The 21st Century Library is a sophisticated learning resource centre for joint school and community use with resources, spaces and programs that can accommodate the needs of people at all stages of the lifespan.”

Also of interest is the information provided on “Embedded, Integrated Information and Communications Technology.

“Communication is the key to building and sustaining a community of learners. Seamless access to information and communications technology (ICT) by students and teachers is essential for contemporary teaching and learning practice. ICT is broadening the scope of how, when and where learning occurs. ICT provides a powerful, integrated set of tools to improve learning, teaching, communication and administration. Effective use of ICT enhances a school’s capacity to:

  • Personalise and extend learning
  • Support creativity, risk-taking, higher order thinking and problem solving
  • Connect learning beyond the school
  • Promote self-directed and self-managed learning
  • Develop 21st century literacies – digital, technological, visual, collaborative, interactive
  • Embrace authentic assessment and ‘assessment for learning’ through presentation software, ePortfolios and online assessment
  • Communicate across geographical, cultural and temporal boundaries
  • Creatively develop and manage learning and teaching resources
  • Efficiently access and store information.”

The full guidelines can be found here and fact sheets can be accessed here. Information on leading practice and design is located here. For specific information on the Victorian implementation of the program, contact your Regional Office or email ber@edumail.vic.gov.au.

Good luck with your application and we would love to follow the process of building some new primary school libraries on Bright Ideas.

Print vs online resources

The following information comes from ASLA Executive Officer Karen Bonanno:

The Australian School Library Association is hosting a free forum on its social networking space on the topic: “With the Internet fast becoming students’ first port of call when it comes to research, should I spend my budget on print resources or on online subscriptions?”

Please feel free to drop in and check out the responses to this questions submitted by your colleagues and the initial discussion here.

Cloud computing

The Horizon Report recently listed ‘Cloud computing’ as one of the major trends in computer use in 2009. But what does it mean? Simply, the increase in use of sites such as Google Docs, Flickr and so on to store all of our work and personal documents rather than using our computers to store them.

Advantages of cloud computing are:

  • you can access your documents anywhere that has Internet or broadband access
  • you never have to worry about forgetting or losing your USB
  • easy collaboration with others
  • programs and software are often free
  • your documents, photos and so on are safe from things like fire or theft of a laptop
  • users will only need a cheap ‘netbook’ computer with limited hard disc space.

Disadvantages are:

  • there are still some questions about the security of documents
  • broadband cost and speed in Australia is not what it needs to be if we all decide to use ‘the cloud’
  • availability depends on Internet access
  • sometimes developers discontinue their development and/or support of programs.

Netbook computers are ideal to use for ‘cloud computing’, and as they have smaller hard disc drives, they are cheap and cheerful (around A$300.00).


Kerry Rowett, the Client Liaison Officer for Connect (formerly the Education Channel) has kindly agreed to be interviewed by the School Library Association of Victoria’s  Bright Ideas blog.

  1. Who is behind the fantastic new Connect websites?

The Connect sites are an evolution of the Victorian Education Channel and are funded by DEECD. Different areas of the Department worked together to create the sites with representatives from Communications, Information Technologies Division and Student Learning. A small team of four educators in eLearning are responsible for the QA process, ongoing improvements to the sites, content creation, Cybersafety education and professional learning. Connect is managed by Sandy Phillips. The sites were designed by an external company – Amnesia.

Connect Primary

Connect Primary

    2.  Why were the websites redeveloped – what do you want to achieve with them?

First created in 2001, the sites were long overdue for a ‘makeover’. Our focus during the redevelopment was to better highlight a high quality range of online resources for use in education. The pages have been developed to improve the user experience. Each page has a larger number of direct links to rich, interactive websites. Topic clouds on the teacher, primary and secondary pages each link to six quality sites whilst the topics page includes a wide range of topics now organised by VELS headings. Sites can be featured more readily (in a more visual form) and can be frequently updated with greater ease.

     3.  How do you see the websites being used in schools? – Primary – Secondary?

Schools use Connect in different ways. Anyone anywhere in the world can view and search Connect. However only Victorian Government and Catholic schools can choose to lock students down to sites only available in Connect. There are a number of options:

  • Many schools choose to have Connect Primary or Secondary as their Internet home page. Students can also search for sites not in Connect
  • Some classes search within Connect only and some classes search beyond Connect with general filtered access
  • Students use Connect when they are trying to maintain their download budget. Students may have an Internet ‘account’ but still have access to Connect resources when this reaches ‘0′
  • All students are ‘Connect only’ and search within Connect for safety and /or cost saving reasons.
Connect Secondary

Connect Secondary

     4.  What kind of input did you have from classroom teachers?

When we received the initial designs for the new Connect sites we visited both primary and secondary schools to seek feedback from teachers and students. This feedback was then provided to the designers. Subsequent designs were also shared with teachers for feedback. Our focus throughout was on making it easier for teachers and students to access high quality online resources for teaching and learning.

The Victorian Education Channel and now Connect have always responded to teacher feedback with most sites available in the spaces included due to teacher and student recommendations. Staff members frequently present at conferences and alter the sites in response to feedback regarding suggested websites, topics, useability and design considerations.

     5.  What type of content do you have on the sites?

Connect features a wide range of online content. Users can search the sites for websites, images, audio and videos. Resources are tagged according to audience – so a search in the primary and secondary pages will get different results. There is also a range of ‘how to’ information about new technologies including blogs, wikis, podcasting and social networking. You can link to schools with great online content such as Horsham West (Vic), Copacabana (NSW), Hawkesdale (Vic) and Woodlands (UK). Useful organisations such as VCAA, VIT and Subject Associations are also only a click away.

Connect Teacher

Connect Teacher

 So whether you want to play a Maths game from the BBC , drag and drop words to construct a poem at Pic Lits, create an online mind map at Mindmeister, make a movie with the Zimmer Twins, write a book review at the State Library ‘Inside a Dog‘ site or watch a Science video from the Futures Channel … you can find it in Connect. Websites are added to the sites daily. Click on ‘suggest a website’  to make your own recommendations.

Thanks to Kerry for her detailed and interesting answers. The Connect sites look fantastic and there is certainly something for everyone! Congratulations to everyone involved.

Bushfire update

From the ALIA blog comes the following news:

Australian library industry appoints central Disaster Recovery Support position

At a meeting in Melbourne on Friday 20th February 2009 library professionals and supporters agreed to fund and appoint a disaster recovery support role to coordinate their efforts. The meeting was organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and held at the State Library of Victoria. It  focused on immediate actions to assist bushfire-affected communities, as well as in the medium to longer term. 

Representatives were present from public libraries in the bushfire region, the Public Libraries Victoria Network, the State Library of Victoria, school libraries and school library associations, the Victorian Government, and the book industry.

It was agreed to call on all Australian libraries and library organisations to support and contribute to funding the position of ALIA Disaster Recovery Project Manager.  Many people in libraries and the book industry wish to provide relevant support for bushfire victims, and coordination of this swell of support from the national library association was seen as the most effective response we could make.

There was a hope expressed that lessons learned from the new position, which will focus on Victorian bushfire relief, will help libraries manage similar responses in the future and to create a model for future crisis management.

“Library staff are generous, but we are also practical, and want to make sure that donations and support from our industry are coordinated and distributed at the right time and to meet real needs.  We also want to work with the book industry to get a more coordinated effort going.”  – Derek Whitehead, ALIA President.

“The library industry has always been a supportive and collaborative one – especially in times of hardship.   This ALIA position will enable our industry and profession to develop models for future coordinated support when a disaster strikes.  We have already offered support from Public Libraries Victoria Network and many public library services.” – John Murrell, PLVN President.

Jane Grace, currently Outreach Manager for Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service, will take up the acting position of ALIA Disaster Recovery Project Manager immediately to ensure appropriate support is provided to bushfire families and the wider communities.  Ms Grace will also be working with Queensland colleagues on needs and requirements for flood affected areas.

 “I am very pleased to be able to take up this interim position to co-ordinate immediate support and future models and information tools to assist communities get back on track.  People are often well-meaning, but getting the needs and requirements right for the people on the ground is our aim.  Libraries really are providing an amazing service in these difficult times and making a difference in people’s lives.”  – Jane Grace, Acting ALIA Disaster Recovery Project Manager.

Calls for applicants for the ongoing position of ALIA Disaster Recovery Project Manager will be conducted in the coming weeks with more information available at http://www.alia.org.au/employment

We would like to thank everyone in the library community who have been in contact with PLVN, SLV and ALIA and the library and book trade organisations offering support.  Please keep checking the ALIA website for further information in the coming days and weeks.

Libraries are at the very heart of our communities. By working together with local people and organisations, we can make a significant contribution to rebuilding those communities and the lives of those affected.

Australian Library and Information Association:  Derek Whitehead, President, 03 9214 8333 

Public Libraries Victoria Network: John Murrell, President, 03 5622 2849 or 0409 016 701  

Other contacts: Sue Hutley, ALIA Executive Director, 02 6215 8215 or 0412 764 922 

Web 2.0 competition

Connect along with the School Library Association of Victoria are launching a new Web 2.0 competition for Victorian educators. Readers of Bright Ideas have been given a sneak preview as the competition will be officialy launched by Will Richardson on Monday 23rd March at the SLAV conference to be held at the Telstra Dome.

The Connect Web 2.0 competition page states:

  • Will Richardson will present on leveraging the potential of a hyperconnected world at the School Library Association of Victoria(SLAV) Conference on March 23rd. He writes about new internet literacies on this wiki. Will Richardson will also launch the new Connect Web 2.0 Competition.This competition is a collaboration between SLAV and Connect. Teachers and/or Librarians work in a team to develop an online collaborative project incorporating use of a blog and/or wiki and other web 2.0 technologies. Emphasis is on creative, innovative use of the technologies and how they are used to engage students in learning in new ways. Entries will close at the end of Term 3 with presentations made at the annual SLAV International School Libraries Day Awards Dinner in October. This competition supersedes the successful WebQuest competition held in previous years.

Criteria and entry guidelines are available on the Connect Web 2.0 page. There are some fabulous people doing amazing work with Web 2.0 tools, so have a go and good luck!