Innovative Learning Environments Design Conference – Monday 19 October

Thanks to Krystie Alleaume, the Senior Project Officer for the Innovation and Next Practice Division of the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the following information:

The DEECD is running an Innovative Learning Environments Design Conference for educators and architects at Docklands on Monday 19 October. Six of the face-to-face presentations will be streamed online simultaneously via Elluminate.

The conference features educators who have successfully incorporated innovative practice into new learning environments. Architectural experts team up with educators to present a program featuring innovative learning environments, successful change stories and new approaches to teaching and learning.

The online sessions are outlined below. There is no cost to attend the online sessions, however you need to sign up first. Registered participants will be sent the link to the Elluminate room for their session(s). To register, visit:

9.05am – 10.05am ‘Futurevation’: Looking to the future
2.25pm – 3.25pm Designing for purpose – but which purpose? OECD – 21C innovative learning environments

Session 1: Panel – Successful change stories: what worked and why?
11.05am – 11.50am Dandenong High School
11.05am – 11.50am Bentleigh West Primary School

Session 2 – Innovative Learning – adopting a student centred approach
12.00pm – 12.45pm Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College
12.00pm – 12.45pm Point Lonsdale Primary School

Session 3 – Learning Environment Designs
1.30pm – 2.15pm Internal learning spaces
1.30pm – 2.15pm Creating effective age and stage appropriate external learning environments

Free Elluminate moderator training

Krystie Alleaume, Senior Project Officer at the Innovation and Next Practice Division of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has sent Bright Ideas the following information:

 Would you like to learn how to run your own Elluminate session?

Have you thought about the potential of using Elluminate with students or teachers?

We have arranged a series of moderator training sessions for Term 4: ‘Getting Started with Elluminate’ and ‘Next Steps with Elluminate’. Details and dates are below. These sessions are completely free, but places are limited to 15 per session, so get in quick!

To register, visit:

Getting Started with Elluminate – Moderator Training (Part 1)

This 90-minute class is designed for anyone new to Elluminate who wants to learn how to facilitate an online class or meeting. The class will teach moderators classroom management skills, methods for establishing social presence, classroom capture and basic content management. The class will offer hands-on practice to reinforce the Elluminate features taught during the session. After completing this class, you should attend the Next Steps with Elluminate Live! for Moderators.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Thursday, November 5, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Next Steps with Elluminate – Moderator Training (Part 2)

This 90-minute class is the second class in the moderator training series. Participants must take the Getting Started class first. In this class, more advanced classroom and content management skills will be taught. Additionally, classroom collaboration tools such as Application Sharing will be taught. Participants will have the opportunity for hands-on practice during the session.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 3:30 – 5pm

It is well worth the time and effort to learn how to be an Ellminate moderator.

Networked Schools – Classrooms Using New Technologies to Connect and Collaborate

Hear how two teachers use a variety of online environments to connect students in rural and remote schools with experienced educators.

Where: Online in Elluminate. You don’t need to leave your desk – the program comes to you.
Sign up at:

When: Thursday 20 August at 4pm

Gary Schultz is a teacher of 25 years. With a career path through Physical Education, Science, Information Technology and Work Education, to developing Dimboola Memorial Secondary College teachers integration of ICT into classroom practice. Gary was awarded the 2008 Most Outstanding Secondary Teacher of the year for his work in changing the ICT culture of the college. He is currently working at the Horsham Regional Office in the position of Wimmera Virtual School Project Officer.

The Wimmera Virtual School project is a pilot project that encompasses eleven secondary colleges around the Wimmera area in the North West of Victoria. The project is attempting to address disadvantage in rural and remote schools by developing a Blended Learning model of provision. Currently there are eight VCE subjects being provided that include the use of video conferencing, online content, digital recorded content and also face-to-face teaching.


Adrian Camm is the Head of Mathematics at McGuire College and has responsibility for senior Mathematics and Physics. He is now taking a leadership role in promoting effective use of emerging technologies across all faculty areas. Adrian is also a member of the Powerful Learning Practice International Cohort where he engages with international educators on 21st century learning.

Adrian has created a VCE Physics Unit 3&4 Virtual Learning Community that links students across the state of Victoria to experienced educators and textbook authors. Come and learn how the initiative created opportunities for students to interact with each other, educators and knowledgeable adults in authentic learning experiences.

For more information see:

Thanks to Tamara Carpenter from KnowledgeBank for the above text.

Free eLearning Conference

KnowledgeBank is hosting a free eLearning Conference for interested Victorian teachers. It will be held from Monday 3 August to Wednesday 5 August through the online conferencing program Elluminate. Here are details of individual sessions from KnowledgeBank:


Monday 3 August

Learning is Real, Rich & Relevant – Keynote – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Monday, August 3, 2009, 9 – 10am
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Tom March
Summary Tom March has contributed to authentic teaching, learning and children for the past three decades. He finds this often involves technology as bothinspiration to creativity and a means to impressive accomplishments. Recognised as a Teacher of the Year Finalist for San Diego County after five years in the profession, he concluded ten years as a classroom teacher in 1995 by taking a three-year fellowship at San Diego State University. There, Tom worked with Professor Bernie Dodge to develop the WebQuest model. Since moving to Australia in 1998, he has contributed at least one new product or initiative every two years. These include Web-and-Flow, BestWebQuests, ClassPortals, The New WWW and CEQ•ALL. Each initiative builds on what’s been learned and addresses new needs of Web-enriched education. He regularly keynotes, writes, and facilitates workshops focused on aspects of making learning for Real, Rich and Relevant.
Elluminate Link…


Sign Up​  

iPod Touch in the Classroom – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Monday, August 3, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Louise Duncan – eLearning Coordinator-SHS
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up


Linking Special Education & Mainstream World via Blogging – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Monday, August 3, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Sue King – Teacher Belvoir
Summary Sue is a Special Education teacher with a passion for providing resources and support to mainstream teachers working with students with special needs. This session will demonstrate how blogs can be used to motivate student learning, share resources and develop world wide learning networks, for parents, teachers and students.
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up​   

Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Monday, August 3, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Marion Spencer
Summary Jennifer Frisardi is an experienced Secondary ESL and LOTE teacher and Primary Classroom Teacher. She is currently working as a teacher at Mooroopna North Primary School which has IWBs in every learning space and student access to laptops. Jennifer has been developing Ms Frizz’s Blog and a Class Wiki. She finds that since her students use their laptops for the majority of literacy and numeracy sessions, either investigating websites, directed to from Ms Frizz’s Blog or doing work on their wiki pages, the laptops have become a tool for the students which is not far removed from their exercise books or pencils. It is her aim to have the students viewing the laptops as a useful learning tool and not as a special treat. The Blog and Wiki have proven useful tools for increasing the effective use of the internet by the students in her class and their online publishing skills have also noticeably improved.
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up

Sharepoint V3 – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Monday, August 3, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Marion Spencer
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up​  

Tuesday 4 August

IWB Interactive Whiteboard – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 9 – 10am
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Monica Sketcher – Teacher
Summary Monica Sketcher is a dynamic and energetic teacher who wears many hats for her role at Mansfield Primary School (too many to mention!). She works as a full-time teacher in a team teaching situation with 2 shared Prep grades. Monica is passionate about the inclusion of ICT applications and tools in her daily program and has her Preps completing amazing work independently on their computers. In her role as ICT co-ordinator, Monica has enjoyed sharing her ICT ideas with her colleagues so that the inclusion of computers, laptops and IWB is a daily part of a classroom routine. She has made PD accessible to her local smaller neighbouring schools by offering training ‘online’ and ‘on demand’ to match people’s needs.
The aim of this session is to provide participants with some ready to use tools on the IWB for any classroom situation. Some activities will be user-created, online or downloadable. Participants will be asked to share their ideas, so that this session is relevant to their unique teaching situations and so that we can create a large resource of IWB ideas for participants to take away with them
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up


 Remote Control Response Paddles – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 9 – 10am
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Derek Bowey – Teacher
Summary Derek is in his 14th year of teaching. Currently teaching at Wodonga Senior Secondary College, he has a role in helping imbednew and effective technology into teaching and learning practice. Derek is enthusiastic about technology and it’s potential application in education. He is not a technical expert, but he hopes those who are not familiar with the remote response paddles (software and hardware) find his presentation of some interest: Workshop Content: (a)Software and hardware (remote response paddles) that allow students to respond to multiple choice questions.(b)Basic preparation – screen dumps. (c) Images and explanations of tools being used.(d) The power of immediate feedback and automatic collation of data for planning individualised future lessons.
Elluminate Link…

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Building a learning network in your town or region – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Mark Richardson – ICT Coordinator – PD Organiser
Summary Interested in networks and networking?? They’re great aren’t they? Especially the ones without servers, WAPs and blue cords! What did he say? Yes, networks of teachers you use ICT to enhance teaching and learning are essential to a vibrant pedagogy in classrooms. Whether it’s face to face or online, personal learning networks are an essential part of any teacher’s toolkit Mark Richardson shares his experiences of networking in a primary school, a DEECD region and in rural and regional Victoria.
Elluminate Link…

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Classroom Blogging in Early Years – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Tamara Steinhauser – Teacher
Summary Tamara Steinhauser is a Year 2/3 teacher who uses ICT to engage students in her classroom. Tamara started using a classroom blog last year as a means of showcasing student work to the community and enabling students to reflect on their own and other students’ work in a secure, moderated online environment. This session provides a first hand insight into using Blogs in your classroom program to motivate and engage students through all areas of the curriculum.
Elluminate Link…

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Delicious and DIIgo & Exploring free softwares – 21st century eLearning Conference

When Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter John Spencer – eLearning Coordinator
Summary John Spencer is an experienced teacher of ICT. He is currently an ICT teacher at Peranbin Primary College. This year he has 24 days of Professional Leave aimed at increasing effective use of ICT in his school. This workshop will look at using Diigoand Delicious (social bookmarking sites) in a classroom setting, along with other Web 2.0 applications available on the Internet.
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up​ 

 Wednesday 5 August


Online Resources for Early Years classroom – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 9 – 10am
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Kerry Rowett
Summary Kerry Rowett is a primary teacher who currently works at Connect (previously the Victorian Education Channel) at DEECD (Ed Dept). She has a particular interest in exciting online tools enabling students to communicate and create online. A practical session focused on how to find and use great websites, animations, videos, games and web 2.0 tools for use in the Primary classroom.
Elluminate Link…

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 Principal & eLeader Forum – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 9 – 10am
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Brendan O’Brien and Richard Olsen
Summary Brendan has an extensive background in ICT, science education, classroom teaching and teacher education. Richard is co-director of IdeasLab, and has been at the forefront of resourcing a 21stcentury agenda for Australian schools.
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up 

 ‘this is the Ultranet’: the basics – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Elluminate Link…

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 Using Digital Learning Objects on Remote Tablets – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Michael Barnard
Summary Michael is an experienced teacher of mathematics and physics at Wodonga Senior Secondary College, and is also an integral part of the Excellence in Mathematics and Science Program at that school.Perhaps you don’t feel as if you are taking full advantage of the Digital Learning Objects that are provided by The Learning Federation. This session will demonstrate how the “It’s a Drag” vehicle braking distance simulation can become the basis of an engaging mathematics lesson that caters for a range of abilities. The task involves collecting data then using a spreadsheet as a tool in its analysis.The use of a wireless tablet in the classroom will also be covered.To participate in this session you will need access to the DLO (available on-line:…) and Microsoft Excel or equivalent.
Elluminate Link…

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Dataloggers in science lessons – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Brahm Deo
Elluminate Link…

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 Infomercials made by children! – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Rosemarie O’Brien
Elluminate Link…

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 PhotoStory and Audacity as aids to develop literacy skills – 21st Century eLearning Conference

When Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 2 – 3pm
Where Online in Elluminate
Event type Knowledge Bank Online Event
Presenter Helene Bearup
Elluminate Link…

Sign Up

There appears to be something for everyone! See you in Elluminate.

Students as Documentary Makers with Mitzi Goldman

Victorian teachers are invited to participate in this free professional learning session.

Students as Documentary Makers with Mitzi Goldman

Throughout this session teachers will find out how media is a deeply engaging tool when students use it to express their learning about the real world.

When: Monday 31st August 2009, 4pm. Sign up here –

Where: Online in Elluminate. This event is free but you need to sign up –

Who: Mitzi Goldman has spent 25 years as a film maker and educator in the Australian film industry. She has directed and produced over ten documentaries for television including international co-productions. Mitzi was Head of Documentary at the Australian Film and Television School for six years and is now executive director of the Documentary Australia Foundation. Mitzi is now focussing on sharing her educational vision of students as documentary makers.

What: In this online conference with Mitzi Goldman, teachers will find out how media is a deeply engaging tool when students use it to express their learning about the real world. Mitzi will engage participants in a discussion about the educational and social benefits of using media to produce documentaries. Teachers will learn the basics of documentary making and how they can get started in their classrooms. They will find out how media can be used as a tool to express the learning that takes place when students are given the tools to deconstruct, analyse and understand the information they encounter all around them.

This event is free but you need to sign up –

For more information email

Inky awards

From the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development‘s KnowledgeBank comes the following information:

Join us for the launch of the 2009 Inky Awards.

When: Thursday 20 August at 1.15pm

Where: Online in Elluminate. This event is free but you need to register. Sign up at

Who: This event will be great for teachers and students. If you’re a teacher who’d like to attend this event with your class and you’re not sure how, contact us and we can talk you through it.

There’s no other award in Australia that reflects what teenagers want to read, rather than what we tell them to read. The Inkys are international awards for teenage literature, voted for online by the readers of There are three awards: the Golden Inky for an Australian book; the Silver Inky for an international book, and the Creative Reading Prize, won by a young person for a creative response to a book they love, in any format they choose.

Join us for the launch of the 2009 Inkys and the announcement of the longlist. Featuring special guests, including authors and some of our teenage judges.

For more information – email

This event is free but you need to sign up – Sign up at-

Access is available for all Victorian teachers and their students.